Candlearing can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and may provide many possible physical, mental and emotional benefits. All passages in the head are interconnected. Acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology charts illustrate how the ears coordinate with the rest of the body. This is important because some of the potential benefits of candling relate to the nose, throat and sinuses as well as the ears. The ears are organs for hearing and balance. The ears contain nerve endings and acupuncture points to every other area of the body. If hearing is blocked or impaired, the energy flow is disconnected. The only mechanical influence we have on our ears is when we swallow, hold our breath, or yawn. We can slightly change the pressure in our ears to clear the eustachian tubes. During candling, a sensation of ‘lightening’ is sometimes reported by the recipient, noticed in the sinuses and head cavities because a vacuum effect is created. The ear canal helps support the brain, a pivot point for the skull. When properly aligned the osmotic pressure on the nerves that relate to the senses is shifted as well. It is believed that the gentle reverse pressure of ear candling is enough to affect such a correction, which is why people often feel better afterwards. Ear Candling is an extremely relaxing technique that may help restore balance to smell, taste and vision. We do not claim that candling will cure any disease, ailment, or condition. However, the many benefits have been identified through case histories and testimonials, and ear candles have been used by generations of families for a variety of conditions.
Got a question? We’re here to help.
If you look at the results of the candlearing, you may see a combination of ear wax (cerumen), some candle wax and a powdery substance. Ear wax is a different colour from candlewax and the powder is the residue from the wick.
Recipients might want to use a few eardrops to help keep ear canal lubricated.
It is usual to use two or more Candlear per ear, per session. Candlearing may be repeated as often as needed leaving at least one week between candling sessions, unless otherwise advised by your healthcare provider. Most people seem to enjoy Candlearing two to four times per year, or every 4-6 months.
It is usual to use two or more Candlear per ear, per session.
You should not use Candlear if the recipient has had a recent ear, nose, throat or sinus surgery, or has tubes in their ears. Do not candle if there is any sign of ear infection, bleeding, pain or other ear discomfort, and or if being treated for any of these, unless recommended by your healthcare provider.
Do not candle if the recipient is not able to make a personal informed decision to use this product or if either the recipient or the candler is in any way uncomfortable or unsure of the process.
Candlears are crafted by hand in home- based workshop settings. Our crafters take great care to follow the process to ensure consistent products, and our Quality Control Team inspects each candle before it is packaged.
Common questions about the Candles:
Some of the Candles have small spots where there is no wax; is this ok?
These small spots are caused by naturally occuring air bubbles in the melted beeswax, and do not in any way affect the candles use or function. There may also be small dark spots, which are simply natural impurities not captured by the filtration process and do not affect the candles use.
Some candles are rougher, or have different textures.
Our Candles are all made using the same materials and processes. Sometimes, the cotton wick has threads or small texture variances that will show on the Candle. Again, these cosmetic variations do not in any way affect the candles use or function.
All Rights Reserved | Candlear Inc.
Candlear makes no claims to cure any disease, condition or ailment.
A qualified healthcare provider should be seen for specific help if concerned in any way about your health.
Users/purchasers assume full and sole responsibility for Candlear use. The manufacturer, retailer or candler is not liable for any claims or damages resulting from the use of any Candlear products.
Candlear gives no specific recommendations on the use of this product or frequency of use. Each user must decide what is best for themselves.